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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Excursion Island AND Last Post For The Summer

Excursion Island--I think the slide ap is a great one and I would be very happy to share it with our faculty.  My favorite of the other offerings is Judy Brown because it is annotated and fits the things I do (or intend to do if I ever get the time).  Of course, my true favorite is JibJab!! Let's make a librarian one :)

I notice that the Great Sea of 2.0 has a lot of similar offerings which can be like the sirens' song.  So SuprGlu and TaDa might soon be my life rafts.  I have so many accounts so many places from these summer sessions....

And so to Reflection Island
1. What were your favorite discoveries or excursions on this learning journey? I liked lots about each Island, but my heart belongs to searching. 

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I am renewed in my excitement about 2.0 and my determination to get it in our classrooms.  I am much more interested in having the students do the media productions than in doing it myself.

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I am amazed how much FREE cool stuff is out there.  I am also delighted the district is moving to the cloud--wonder how that will affect our student outcomes this year?

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I love it and I thank you for putting it together.  I have been trying to migrate all my existing Google accounts to the BISD Google one and think some is going to get lost, so this is my bon voyage to you.

1 comment:

Michelle Griffith said...

Your blog will always be here! I agree with you about the amount of free stuff that is out there. It is amazing to me that we spend so much money on things and don't look to see if there is a free tool out there to use.
I can't wait to see the great things your students do.
Have a great year.