Yahoo! Avatars

Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 9-Reflections

I think that Atomic Learning will be the biggest winner of this whole experience as far as being able to get more faculty on board for using 21st century web aps at school. I also know that wikis are more efficient than passing around emails. I will never be a blogger extraordinaire because I just don't make the time, but I think they are excellent tools. And someday, in a land far, far away, I will figure out why my videos never embed. And until then, I'll use all the great ones other people have done.

Happy landings, shipmates and see you back on the dock!

1 comment:

Michelle Griffith said...

Maybe one day in that far far away land we can sit down and figure out why your videos won't embed. Atomic Learning will be a huge benefit for teachers on your campus.